很难想象一位刚满18岁的女孩五年来在全球接连创下惊天成绩,六年前这个黄毛丫头跌破媒体眼镜夺下格莱美奖年度新人,五年后的今天他以电影《女狼俱乐部》主题曲Can't Fight The Moonlight撂下全英单曲榜后座,引发全球的《女狼音乐热潮》,到现在仍是最in的歌曲。LeAnn Rimes的歌声有种穿越时空的迷人魔力,当小女孩站在镁光灯聚焦的舞台上,用她对音乐的无限热情开口高歌时,总带来不少人及的瞬间感动。而嘹亮的嗓音成为她进攻歌坛的武器,但是难能可贵的部分在于LeAnn的歌声充满蕴藏内心的纤细能量,每个音符转换和对歌曲的掌握都印证她的一鸣惊人其来有自。 1996年LeAnn Rimes以13岁的稚龄推出第一张专辑Blue和同名单曲,原先只是一个小女孩初试啼声的作品,岂料推出后,全美纷纷陷入LeAnn Rimes丰沛的情感和转音技巧演绎的歌曲,LeAnn的嗓音出了令人联想到50、60年代的乡村流行第一天后Patsy Cline外,也马上被拿来和同样以幼小年级一出道就红遍半边天的Tanya Tucker及Brenda Lee比较,纷纷封她为Patsy Cline接班人,虽然她不像时下少女偶像过渡包装的外表,也不善于炒作新闻,一袭牛仔造型的LeAnn却马上用她精堪歌喉引爆"黎小妹现象"。 本名Margeret LeAnn Rimes,1982年8月28日诞生在美国密西西比州。在德州Garland成长的LeAnn从小就立志当一位出色的歌手,2岁开始唱歌,5岁时候就在地方的才艺歌唱比赛崭露头角,6随全家搬到德州追逐歌唱梦,此时的《歌唱神童》LeAnn尚未有广大知名度直到她遇到生命中的伯乐Bill Mack后,歌唱事业从此展开。独立唱片公司Nor Va Jak 先为11岁的LeAnn发行唱片All That, Bill相当欣赏LeAnn的才华,他辗转为LeAnn牵绳到Curb唱片并发行专辑,录制的第一首歌便是30年前的Bill写给Patsy Cline的作品Blue,巧的是Pasty正是LeAnn从小最爱的偶像。Bill也坚信LeAnn是他花30年时间找到的最佳诠译者。 96年Blue专辑一首周12万张的销售打入告示牌专辑榜第三名,写下最年轻新人的纪录,紧接着单曲One Way Tight In Your Eyes等歌曲迭创佳绩,97年的全美音乐奖首先颁发年度新人给LeAnn,接着第39届格莱美奖不但封她为年度乡村女歌手,还让她已13岁的年级拿下年度新人,成为当年歌坛话题,Blue专机到今天全美销售突破700万张。
Leann Rimes - Can't Fight The Moonlight
Under a lovers' sky
Gonna be with you
And noone's gonna be around
If you think that you won't fall
Well just wait until
Til the sun goes down
Underneath the starlight - starlight
There's a magical feeling - so right
It'll steal your heart tonight
You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it
Rimes LeAnn
It's gonna get to your heart
There's no escape from love
Was a gentle breeze
Weaves it's spell upon your heart
No matter what you think
It won't be too long
Til your in my arms
Underneath the starlight - starlight
We'll be lost in the rhythm - so right
Feel it steal your heart tonight
You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No you can't fight it
No matter what you do
The night is gonna get to you
You're never gonna win
Part of me the starlight - starlight
There's a magical feeling - so right
It will steal your heart tonight
You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it
You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
Don't you know that you can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it
It's gonna get to your heart
本帖最后由 vivianus 于 2010-11-3 13:59 编辑 ]