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标题: [交流] for ENGLISH users [打印本页]

作者: jfifty    时间: 2007-2-23 03:38     标题: for ENGLISH users

i had an idea of maybe putting translations in the chinese sections and materials such as the animes, posts, etc.
srry to be the only delinquent in here but i really love the site and the good work that you ppl put into the uploads

better than the american sites (and thats the TRUTH)
so for anyone who does understand english, feel free to leave comments and feedbacks

i dont know what i chose on the "subject" column cause i cant see the chinese words and even if i can, i cant understand what it says.. so yea LOL
作者: canory    时间: 2007-2-23 05:21

I think there is a specific board for english discussion. and in that board, you can say other languages rather than chinese and english too.
What do you mean by your "subject column"? Is it the one at the right bottom corner?
作者: 欣颖的爹    时间: 2007-2-23 06:42     标题: 回复 #1 jfifty 的帖子

For your suggestion, you can contact & discuss
with the English section moderator vincent_utopia.
He's the best person to ask.

[ 本帖最后由 sambizsg 于 2007-2-23 06:43 AM 编辑 ]
作者: jfifty    时间: 2007-2-23 10:58

k thnx ppl, appreciate the help, if you need anything like "reps" tell me and ill rep u, but u have to teach me of
course since i dont understand some stuff... a haha
o yea "subject column" where u click on it and it gives u like 4-5 choices of topic/type
its right next to the subject bar when u make a post
and again THNX alot for the help n clearing stuff up for me... sort of.... a haha
作者: 美猴王    时间: 2007-2-23 12:03

thanks a lot

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