(When I first saw you, I saw love.
And the first time you touched me, I felt love.
And after all this time, you're still the one I love.)
Looks like we made it.
Look how far we've come my baby.
We mighta took the long way.
We knew we'd get there someday.
They said, "I bet they'll never make it".
But just look at us holding on.
We're still together still going strong.
(You're still the one.)
You're still the one I run to.
The one that I belong to.
You're still the one I want for life.
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love.
The only one I dream of.
You're still the one I kiss good night.
Ain't nothing' better.
We beat the odds together.
I'm glad we didn't listen.
Look at what we would be missing.
They said, "I bet they'll never make it".
But just look at us holding on.
We're still together still going strong.
(You're still the one.)
You're still the one I run to.
The one that I belong to.
You're still the one I want for life.
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love.
The only one I dream of.
You're still the one I kiss good night.
You're still the one
(You're still the one.)
You're still the one I run to.
The one that I belong to.
You're still the one I want for life.
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love.
The only one I dream of.
You're still the one I kiss good nigh
I'm so glad we made it.
Look how far we've come my baby.
原名: Eilleen Regina Edwards
英文名:Shania Twain
Shania是自八十年代的 Dolly Parton以来第一位出现在Rolling Stone杂志的乡村歌手. Shania的巡回演出共收益超过2700万美元。Shania 是第一位连续两张专辑都超过一千万张销售,又被Nashville Songwriters Association命名为 Songwriter/Artist of the Year 的女歌手
片史上销售最佳女艺人第2名、囊括葛莱美、Billboard音乐奖、全美音乐奖等超过35项音乐大奖、18年来首位登上美国滚石杂志封面人物的乡村巨星、荣获美国娱乐周刊98年年度10大风云艺人,这些头衔与记录,属於来自加拿大的女歌手Shania Twain(仙妮亚唐恩),或许是出生时双亲取名时的启发(Shania Twain 源自於印第安语,意为Go Forward向前冲之意),接连三张专辑,一张接著一张,不断的超越自我,从同名专辑、『The Woman In Me』到97年专辑『Come On Over』,销售量从几百万张冲到两千五百万张,『Come On Over』非仅勇冠英美两地专辑榜的冠亚军,发行两年余依然徘徊前四十名,同时将80年代建立乡村跨流行天后Reba McEntire(蕾芭麦肯泰尔)的霸业完全超越,Shania Twain(仙妮亚唐恩)的天后奇迹绝对是20世纪结束前最耀眼的光茫,而这道光芒即将闪烁至下一个世纪,新的成人抒情歌与新的乡村民谣凝聚的魔力就是如此巨大!
专辑『Come On Over』更是Billboard杂志'90年代专辑排行第3位的作品,把Titanic(铁达尼号)-电影原声带抛之在後,拥有" You're Still The One "、" From This Moment On "、" That Don't Impress Me Much "、" Man! I Feel Like A Woman"与" You've Got Away "、"Don't Be Stupid"等7首英美TOP 10单曲,此张专辑由Shania Twain(仙妮亚唐恩)与制作人老公Robert Mute Lange (Def Leppard)联手制作,从纯纯情歌"You're Still The One",加上管弦乐的誓言情歌 "From This Moment",俏皮强劲的"That Don't Impress Me Much",结合Relvon露华侬化妆品行销的单曲 "Man! I Feel Like A Woman",搭衬浪漫约会电影Notting Hills(新娘百分百)的抒情曲"You've Got Away",到新近混音改编成爱尔兰音乐剧"Riverdance"节奏感的 "Don't Be Stupid",发行单曲的曲式从慢板情歌到快版劲歌,再透过商品广告歌与电影主题曲这些包装,将乡村纯情风格转成无比庞大的亲和力,完全打破往昔乡村歌手的专辑仅能跨流行专辑榜却始终无法将单曲推向流行单曲榜的格局。
专辑『Come On Over』已连续三年获葛莱美奖的提名,2000年再以"You've Got Away"再获年度最佳唱片的提名,看来,任谁也无法遮掩Shania Twain(仙妮亚唐恩)的艳丽风情
幸福的婚姻生活给这位天才的女歌手带来事业上的更大成功。她成为目前最佳的乡村女歌手,她的成名单曲包括"I'm Outta Here"、 "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?"、"Any Man of Mine"、You Win My Love" 、"No One Needs To Know" 等。