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标题: [转帖] Audi R-Zero Concept 1,091hp 概念電動超跑 [9P] [打印本页]

作者: jacksha    时间: 2009-9-29 16:04     标题: Audi R-Zero Concept 1,091hp 概念電動超跑 [9P]

The R-Zero sports car will be equipped with four electric in-wheelmotors as its engine. Each engine will be powered by lithium-ion 800volts batteries that are capable of releasing great mass of power, notless than 450 watts/kg in fact. The supercar will have an estimatedweight of 2.2 tons (4,850 lbs), given that the batteries will weigharound 1,200kg and the four engines around 340kg, plus the body weightand accessories. Torque is expected to reach 2,168 lb-ft whilehorsepower is set at around 1,091 hp at 12,900 rpm. With individualbatteries providing power to each individual engine, the sports car isestimated to go at a top speed of 460 km/h (286 mph), with the fast carcapable of going from 0-100 km/h in less the 3 seconds.

作者: joshua05    时间: 2009-9-29 18:07

作者: chan4403    时间: 2009-9-29 19:17

怎么有点布加迪威龙的感觉! 不会是我的错觉吧
作者: ukwenyang    时间: 2009-9-29 19:55





作者: KK2SC    时间: 2009-9-29 20:06


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