
【影片名称】:液体的双唇Liquid Lips (1976)[复古情色稀缺资源]
约翰尼 · 我飞回旧金山从他以前的冒险在墨西哥破产的国际贩毒团伙。一路上,他满足了一个性感的年轻警探来帮助他,以及一群凶残的
Starring: Monique Starr, Enjil Von Bergdorf, John Holmes, Vernon Von Bergdorf
Johnny Wadd travels back to San Francisco from his previous adventure in Mexico to bust a international drug ring. Along the
way, he meets up with a sexy young police detective to help him, as well as a group of murderous goons will do anything in
their power to kill him.