
[音乐] [You Made Me The Thief Of Your Heart][Sinead O`Connor][灵魂的震撼][APE/115]


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[You Made Me The Thief Of Your Heart][Sinead O`Connor][灵魂的震撼][APE/115]



"You Made Me The Thief Of Your Heart"是Sinead O'Connor最具魔力的作品,这首由U2乐队核心人物Bono操刀制作的歌曲,从一开始就营造出一种"山雨欲来风满楼"的紧张气氛,尔后在O'Connor狂放不羁的演绎中逐步推向高潮,最终演变成一场悲怆凄美而又惊心动魄的风暴,汹涌而至,涤净了我们心底世俗的尘埃与油脂……可谓精采纷呈,高潮迭起,使人每每在反复聆听的过程之中, 恨不得将这份感觉冻结,如此才能完全浸溺其中...  

【You Made Me the Thief of Your Heart】是爱尔兰著名女歌手Sinead O`Connor为电影【因父之名】献唱的片尾曲,影片本身讲述了:在北爱争取独立的时空背景下,政治与历史的宿命使得四个青年在一场冤狱中埋没青春,主角父亲含恨老死的故事。Sinead O`Connor,这位来自爱尔兰的音乐精灵,是一个独立独行,敢爱敢恨的异数,她的音乐思维有别于潮流音乐千篇一律的经纬;她作品的个性化,她驾驭音乐游刃自如的能力,给Alternative注入了新鲜血液。关于她的坎坷经历和音乐才华,很多人都比我更了解,这里就不多说了,但这首【You Made Me the Thief of Your Heart】是她的歌曲中,我认为最好的一首,准确的说,是我本人最最喜爱的一首。贯穿全曲的钢琴声,时而如行云隐没无息,时而如流水清澈无比...... 爱尔兰古老的长笛,单簧管低啭,悠扬,加重了旋律的忧伤.失真的手风琴更令人悲痛得无以复加.....

You Made Me The Thief Of Your Heart

I hope you're happy now...
...I could never make you so...
you were a hard man...
no harder in this world
you made me cold and you made me hard
and you made me the thief of your heart

Winter is cold...oh!
But you're colder still
and for the first time
I feel like you're mine
I share you with the one who will
mend what falls apart
and turn a blind eye
to the thief of your heart
Ohhh you lost
Ohhh you lost all
you lost all
you lost all

I'll never wash these clothes
I want to keep the stain
Your blood to me is precious
nor would I spill it in vain
your spirit sings
though your lips never part
singing only to me
the thief of your heart
Ohhh you lost
Ohhh you lost
Ohhh you lost all
lost all

Ohhh you lost
Ohhh you lost all
lost all







[ 本帖最后由 daran 于 2011-1-27 14:35 编辑 ]
  • rammanson 金币 +20 鼓励高品质好音乐 2011-1-27 10:28


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