11岁时,她再次报名“MMC”,这次她终于得到了和很多当日明星同台献艺的机会。她事业上的突破开始于90年代末签约成为Jive唱片公司旗下一名艺人。1999年,布兰妮发行的第一张唱片“Baby One More Time”创下1300百万张销售记录,令她一炮而红,其后2000年5月发行的第二张唱片“Oops!...I Did It Again”的销售量(截至2001年7月)也达到了9百万。
在与阳光少男贾斯汀的一段伤心恋情后,小甜甜忽然宣布与男友Jason Allen Alexander结婚,但这段即兴的婚姻只维持了几天就结束了。之后再做新娘,嫁与现任的老公凯文,并生育了两个孩子。现在的布兰妮已经完全是家庭主妇的模样,靠自己和孩子的照片版税赚钱。不幸的是她的老公虽然吃软饭,但花花公子本色不改,多次出现在杂志的花边新闻里。两人现在正忙着打离婚官司。
Do ya feel this?
I’m gonna feel this...
Are you ready?
I don’t think so...
Somebody give me my truck
So we can ride on the clouds
So we can turn up the base line
Somebody pass my guitar
So we can look like a star
And spending cash like
What ya gonna do when the crowd goes "eohh"?
Why y’all standin’ on the wall?
Music’s starting everywhere
So why don’t you just move along?
I see ya lookin’ at me
Like I’m some kinda freak
Get up outta ya seat
Why Don’t ya do somethin’ ?
I see ya lookin’ at me
Like I got what ya need
Get up outta ya seat
Why Don’t ya do somethin’ ?
Now ya all in my grill
Cus I say what I feel
Only rock to what’s real, now (bump, bump)
But I can’t do that with you
Already here with my crew
You can roll if you can’t handle me (punk, punk)
What ya gonna do when the crowd goes "eohh"?
Why y’all standin’ on the wall?
Music’s starting everywhere
So why don’t you just move along?
I see ya lookin’ at me
Like I’m some kinda freak
Get up outta ya seat
Why Don’t ya do somethin’ ?
I see ya lookin’ at me
Like I got what ya need
Get up outta ya seat
Why Don’t ya do somethin’ ?
I see ya lookin’ at me
Like I’m some kinda freak
Get up outta ya seat
Why Don’t ya do somethin’ ?
I see ya lookin’ over here
Can’t ya tell I’m havin’ fun?
If you know like I know
You would stop starin’ at us
And get your own space
And do somethin’
I see ya lookin’ at me
Like I’m some kinda freak (Fuck)
Get up outta ya seat
Why Don’t ya do somethin’?
I see ya lookin’ at me
Like I got what ya need
Get up outta ya seat
Why Don’t ya do somethin’?
I see ya lookin’ at me
Like I’m some kinda freak
Get up outta ya seat
Why Don’t ya do somethin’?
Do Somethin’
Why dont you do somethin’?